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After decades of pill popping, for various ailments, whatever life could throw at us, and more recently NECK PAIN, we were VERY EXCITED when the phrase

Pain Free and Pill Free”

caught our attention, but even more so, when that could be achieved in

WEEKS…………YES……….we did say


Our story is not unique, it’s been eye opening to discover just how many people who like us have suffered for decades.

Why did it take so long for us to discover this Pain Free, Pill Free lifestyle?

Like most people we accepted the norm; pain management, by pill popping, which can become a vicious circle. Most drugs have a side effect, so your GP gives you yet another pill, to counter the side effect of the original treatment. This can lead to some people taking a dozen pills or MORE.

Your GPs answer can only be “I’ll give you a prescription”, that’s not to decry the GP, because that’s what he’s been trained to do.

Decades ago alternative options were limited, but with the boom of communications in the 21st Century, we became more enlightened to many other therapies.

Acupuncture works, and works by using acupuncture treatment points to treat and alleviate pain, but it can be costly especially if teatment sessions are over months.

The “little gem” we discovered was Phototherapy, which works like acupuncture, but instead of needles it works by the use of wearable heath patches.

No appointments, no expensive treatment sessions, simply a non invasive, self administered wearable patch.

Now go to “How it Works” (Click the pic)


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