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Read Christo’s Amazing Story

In 2019 Chrosto’s life looked like this:

“For 25 years I had been suffering from pains in my body; fibromyalgia, I had 3 heart attacks, and a stroke. I also had a sleep apnea device since 2012 I could not walk well anymore.

My vision was only 30%. After 2 eye operations, it was the best they could do. I could only move on 2 crutches, max 100 meters, because otherwise I lost my balance and fell over, because of the pain. The daily pain was so enormous.

I had been suffering from chronic fatigue for at least 30 years and dragged myself through the day. My wife had to push me everywhere in a wheelchair In 25 years I had taken over 82,000 pills & pain killers

The Final Blow; “Doctors informed me in May 2019 they could no longer do anything for me. I just had to accept my condition, and I would have to spend the rest of my life, with a wheelchair for mobility.

Our world fell apart, but we did not give up. At the end of May a good friend of mine, Lode Vermeulen, came to me with a possible solution … Lifewave X39, that turned out to be the solution for Mieke my wife and me, and has really given us a completely new life.

Everything is different now: 9 weeks later and I can walk well again. No wheelchair and no crutches anymore. No more daily heavy fatigue. No more pain. I can even drive my car again, my eyes have now been improved”

Pain Free in 9 Weeks!

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